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Oil is an important raw material that generates a huge demand on a global level. Before the final product is delivered to the consumer, different types of processing take place. Some of the procedures are complex that need to be carried out in industrial complexes and refineries. The refinery fire truck manufacturers understand this aspect.
Modern fire trucks are tailored and customized as per associated risk scenarios in hazardous areas. The features of modern refinery trucks are as follows:
A fire truck that carries the latest features succeeds in conducting successful fire suppression operations. Feel free to contact the experts of Meraj International and get the best fire truck for your refinery and petrochemical plants. In the latest versions of refinery fire trucks, special features allow firefighting operations to begin almost immediately. Firefighting vehicles that are used in remote premises, petroleum and chemical industries have superior features. Feel free to contact us if you are looking for refinery fire truck manufacturers. Our experts will guide you towards the best options.